privacy statement

About us

SilentFlight  e.V.

Wiesenstraße 42
76356 Weingarten (Baden)
Phone +49 7244 6098570
The URL of this website:

President of the association: Wolfgang Liehmann
Vice president: Reiner Ludin
Geschäftsführer: Hans Ebeling

Personal data we collect and the legitimate reasons

On the website itself no personal data is collected, yet the hosting provider automatically creates log files, which can be accessed by our association. This data is collected to provide statistical analysis and threat detection, as well as optimization of services for the provider. These include the following: (source

  • Anonymised Client-IP AdressThe IP adresse are saved to detect where the hosting servers are potentially attacked from. After a maximum of seven days, they are anonymised. To protect personal data, our association only sees anonymised data to begin with. For example: 123.456.789.001 is seen as anon-123-456-165-41.invalid.
  • Timestamp: A log entry on which date and time a user visited the site.
  • Request-Line:This is the part of the URL without the domain. When a user clicks on a picture on the website, the matching URL might be "". The request-line would then be "/myPicture.jpg".
  • Status Code: status code of the request, e.g. 404 if the site was not found or 200 if the request had no error
  • Size of the response body: When a user accesses the website, they temporarily download data. This contains things like text and graphics, which are to be displayed by the browser. The log file notes the size of this data.
    • Referer sent by the client: This entry shows from which site a user was forwarded. 
  • User agent sent by the client: contains meta data like what type and version of browser and what operating system a visitor uses.


We do not use cookies, because we have no third party services embedded in our site. Cookies are only needed for authentication of administrative personal.

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